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Download eBird Status Data Products for a single species, or for an example species. Downloading Status and Trends data requires an access key, consult set_ebirdst_access_key() for instructions on how to obtain and store this key. The example data consist of the results for Yellow-bellied Sapsucker subset to Michigan and are much smaller than the full dataset, making these data quicker to download and process. Only the low resolution (27 km) data are available for the example data. In addition, the example data are accessible without an access key.


  path = ebirdst_data_dir(),
  download_abundance = TRUE,
  download_occurrence = FALSE,
  download_count = FALSE,
  download_ranges = FALSE,
  download_regional = FALSE,
  download_pis = FALSE,
  download_ppms = FALSE,
  download_all = FALSE,
  pattern = NULL,
  dry_run = FALSE,
  force = FALSE,
  show_progress = TRUE



character; a single species given as a scientific name, common name or six-letter species code (e.g. "woothr"). The full list of valid species is in the ebirdst_runs data frame included in this package. To download the example dataset, use "yebsap-example".


character; directory to download the data to. All downloaded files will be placed in a sub-directory of this directory named for the data version year, e.g. "2020" for the 2020 Status Data Products. Each species' data package will then appear in a directory named with the eBird species code. Defaults to a persistent data directory, which can be found by calling ebirdst_data_dir().


whether to download estimates of abundance and proportion of population.


logical; whether to download estimates of occurrence.


logical; whether to download estimates of count.


logical; whether to download the range polygons.


logical; whether to download the regional summary stats, e.g. percent of population in regions.


logical; whether to download spatial estimates of predictor importance.


logical; whether to download spatial predictive performance metrics.


logical; download all files in the data package. Equivalent to setting all the download_ arguments to TRUE.


character; regular expression pattern to supply to str_detect() to filter files to download. This filter will be applied in addition to any of the download_ arguments. Note that some files are mandatory and will always be downloaded.


logical; whether to do a dry run, just listing files that will be downloaded. This can be useful when testing the use of pattern to filter the files to download.


logical; if the data have already been downloaded, should a fresh copy be downloaded anyway.


logical; whether to print download progress information.


Path to the folder containing the downloaded data package for the given species. If dry_run = TRUE a list of files to download will be returned.


The complete data package for each species contains a large number of files, all of which are cataloged in the vignettes. Most users will only require a small subset of these files, so by default this function only downloads the most commonly used files: GeoTIFFs providing estimate of relative abundance and proportion of population. For those interested in additional data products, the arguments starting with download_ control the download of these other products. The pattern argument provides even finer grained control over what gets downloaded.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# download the example data

# download the data package for wood thrush

# use pattern to only download low resolution (27 km) geotiff data
# dry_run can be used to see what files will be downloaded
ebirdst_download_status("lobcur", pattern = "_27km_", dry_run = TRUE)
# use pattern to only download high resolution (3 km) weekly abundance data
ebirdst_download_status("lobcur", pattern = "abundance_median_3km",
                        dry_run = TRUE)
} # }