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In addition to the species-specific data products, the eBird Status data products include two products providing estimates of weekly data coverage at 3 km spatial resolution: site selection probability and spatial coverage. This function downloads these data products in raster GeoTIFF format.


  path = ebirdst_data_dir(),
  pattern = NULL,
  dry_run = FALSE,
  force = FALSE,
  show_progress = TRUE



character; directory to download the data to. All downloaded files will be placed in a sub-directory of this directory named for the data version year, e.g. "2020" for the 2020 Status Data Products. Each species' data package will then appear in a directory named with the eBird species code. Defaults to a persistent data directory, which can be found by calling ebirdst_data_dir().


character; regular expression pattern to supply to str_detect() to filter files to download. This filter will be applied in addition to any of the download_ arguments. Note that some files are mandatory and will always be downloaded.


logical; whether to do a dry run, just listing files that will be downloaded. This can be useful when testing the use of pattern to filter the files to download.


logical; if the data have already been downloaded, should a fresh copy be downloaded anyway.


logical; whether to print download progress information.


Path to the folder containing the downloaded data coverage products.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# download all data coverage products

# download just the spatial coverage products
ebirdst_download_data_coverage(pattern = "spatial-coverage")

# download a single week of data coverage products
ebirdst_download_data_coverage(pattern = "01-04")

# download all weeks in april
ebirdst_download_data_coverage(pattern = "04-")
} # }