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Given a set of points in space and (optionally) time, define a regular grid with given dimensions, and return the grid cell index for each point.


  coords = NULL,
  is_lonlat = FALSE,
  jitter_grid = TRUE,
  grid_definition = NULL



data frame; points with spatial coordinates x and y, and an optional time coordinate t.


character; names of the spatial and temporal coordinates in the input dataframe. Only provide these names if you want to overwrite the default coordinate names: c("x", "y", "t") or c("longitude", "latitude", "t") if is_lonlat = TRUE.


logical; if the points are in unprojected, lon-lat coordinates. In this case, the input data frame should have columns "longitude" and "latitude" and the points will be projected to an equal area Eckert IV CRS prior to grid assignment.


numeric; resolution of the grid in the x, y, and t dimensions, respectively. If only 2 dimensions are provided, a space only grid will be generated. The units of res are the same as the coordinates in the input data unless is_lonlat is true in which case the x and y resolution should be provided in meters.


logical; whether to jitter the location of the origin of the grid to introduce some randomness.


list; object defining the grid via the origin and resolution components. To assign multiple sets of points to exactly the same grid, assign_to_grid() returns a data frame with a grid_definition attribute that can be passed to subsequent calls to assign_to_grid(). res and jitter are ignored if grid_definition is provided.


Data frame with the indices of the space-only and spacetime grid cells. This data frame will have a grid_definition attribute that can be used to reconstruct the grid.



# generate some example points
points_xyt <- data.frame(x = runif(100), y = runif(100), t = rnorm(100))
# assign to grid
cells <- assign_to_grid(points_xyt, res = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.5))

# assign a second set of points to the same grid
assign_to_grid(points_xyt, grid_definition = attr(cells, "grid_definition"))
#> # A tibble: 100 × 2
#>    cell_xy cell_xyt
#>    <chr>   <chr>   
#>  1 4-7     4-7-4   
#>  2 5-4     5-4-5   
#>  3 7-3     7-3-3   
#>  4 10-10   10-10-6 
#>  5 3-7     3-7-4   
#>  6 10-3    10-3-9  
#>  7 10-2    10-2-7  
#>  8 8-5     8-5-7   
#>  9 7-10    7-10-6  
#> 10 2-7     2-7-9   
#> # ℹ 90 more rows

# assign lon-lat points to a 10km space-only grid
points_ll <- data.frame(longitude = runif(100, min = -180, max = 180),
                        latitude = runif(100, min = -90, max = 90))
assign_to_grid(points_ll, res = c(10000, 10000), is_lonlat = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 1
#>    cell_xy  
#>    <chr>    
#>  1 2960-1224
#>  2 3184-781 
#>  3 2110-1687
#>  4 1254-617 
#>  5 2407-1571
#>  6 244-1415 
#>  7 3172-924 
#>  8 2894-1604
#>  9 1203-769 
#> 10 2118-1   
#> # ℹ 90 more rows

# overwrite default coordinate names, 5km by 1 week grid
points_names <- data.frame(lon = runif(100, min = -180, max = 180),
                           lat = runif(100, min = -90, max = 90),
                           day =, size = 100))
               res = c(5000, 5000, 7),
               coords = c("lon", "lat", "day"),
               is_lonlat = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 2
#>    cell_xy   cell_xyt    
#>    <chr>     <chr>       
#>  1 5348-68   5348-68-49  
#>  2 2294-1332 2294-1332-40
#>  3 2577-1839 2577-1839-16
#>  4 5159-3343 5159-3343-26
#>  5 867-2655  867-2655-5  
#>  6 5944-2704 5944-2704-19
#>  7 2254-1551 2254-1551-41
#>  8 3453-166  3453-166-51 
#>  9 3515-2926 3515-2926-9 
#> 10 4736-1401 4736-1401-33
#> # ℹ 90 more rows